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We wear our colours on our sleeve, or rather, in our logo—with green representing the sustainably managed forests we are so keen to conserve. Passionate about wood, we design furniture by innovating, carefully considering every step of the production process.
Respect for the environment above all else
We believe that protecting the environment starts with staying local. The wood we use for our furniture comes from 6,000 hectares of eco-managed forest less than 300 km away, keeping our carbon footprint to a minimum.

"Even though we make furniture, we don't think of wood simply as a raw material. It's a natural resource that needs to be preserved, home to a wide range of biodiversity and a vital weapon in our fight against climate change."
Not just goals—long-term, sustainable action

The eco-design challenge
Choosing the right wood is a vital part of sustainable production, but minimising our impact is also about attention to detail. Water-based glues, low-emission solvents, solid construction and timeless design make for environmentally friendly furniture that lasts!
Optimising the transport of raw materials
Making our own panels dramatically reduces how far this key raw material has to travel. The wood we use is less than a day's drive from our production sites and we do everything we can to minimise empty return journeys.

Eco-friendly packaging
We take care not to use superfluous packaging by making sure our boxes are the right size. The ones we use are made from at least 50% recycled cardboard and meet strict European standards. We are also moving increasingly towards cardboard cushion packaging instead of polystyrene.
50% recycled wood
We make our wood panels ourselves. Half of the wood used to make them is from offcuts, forest thinning operations and old furniture. This innovative approach is made possible by organisations like Eco-mobilier. Affording wood the respect it deserves brings us one step closer to a circular economy and protecting our resources!

Waste recovery
Ninety-five per cent of our wood waste is recovered. For example, the sawdust from wood processing is used for heating energy. And because we want this eco-friendly approach to filter down to you, your furniture is made from easily separable materials, so it can easily be sorted and recycled at the end of its life.
We are taking important steps along the road to a circular economy. Because we believe in the robustness of our furniture, we guarantee it for 10 years. No more disposable furniture that only lasts as long as a trend. Our furniture can be assembled and dismantled without the quality being affected for move after move, year after year.